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Libra Balance

There are many tilt based games in the AppStore but not many 3D ones. So when I heard about Libra Balance I had to check it out.

This game has a simple task, get all the balls into the hole, yet it's not as easy as it seems. Not easy at all. Also included are a variety of map packs, ranging from simple hills and bumps to fully 3D objects. This is a very well made game, however it has a few downsides. The soundtrack is just a looping sound consisting of a fast paced drum beat and faced paced elevator music. The controls are very well designed, however the physics engine needs some tweaking. I find it odd that i can tilt my device to the left at a very steep angle yet the balls slowly roll down. A simple update fixing the physics engine as well as adding some new music would make this app one of the best.

Breakdown of Libra Balance:

The 3D graphics are extremely well done for this game and I commend the developers for that. However I would like to see some 3GS specific features, like adding OpenGL 2.0 features (Water shaders anyone?). If this game comes to the iPad I would love to see some higher resolution textures. The game runs very smooth on my iPod Touch 2g and I don't think anyone should have problems running this app.

As I stated before the music could use some fresh new tracks. The game sounds are well done and are dubbed perfectly.

There aren't many games like this on the AppStore and it for that reason why the entertainment is very high. However, after a prolonged period of time the game kind of loses it's fun, and I find my self playing the other apps on my iPod. The difficulty level increases when you advanced to higher skilled maps which, for me, increases the replay value substantially. There are new themes coming soon which will add to the overall fun of the game.

Ratings (Out of 5 's)
Graphics: 
Gameplay: 
Replay Value: 
Sound: 
Entertainment: 
Overall: 

Final Verdict: For and indie developer this game is really well made. Its fun and challenging. It provides a decent amount of entertainment and its for that reason that I suggest you get it. It's only $1.99 so its not too expensive.

Libra Balance on the AppStore

Libra Balance Gameplay


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