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Hit N' Run Review

Hit N' Run: Cube Runner Meets Asphalt
Hit N' Run is a cube runner style game that involves weaving through traffic at extremely high speeds all the while trying to crash your car into another one with the same color. But each time you hit that similarly colored car, your color changes, forcing you to look for a new colored car while still weaving through traffic. But if you hit a differently colored car, you slow down and damage your car. If you think this sounds different, intense, and strangely addicting? I agree.


You control the car by tilting your iDevice, and there is the option to increase speed via touch controls or tilt controls. The object of the game is to weave in and out of traffic, while engaging in a color-matching game with the other cars on the road. To make things more interesting, the developers decided to put in 2 shoulders that slow you down, which you can use as a last resort to avoid slower vehicles. They even put powerups periodically on the side of the road, such as speed boosts and a "ghost mode" (This allows you to drive through any car on the road). There are three modes, sprint (a quick speed test that takes about a minute), free ride (endless mode, where the objective is to see how far you can go), and time tria (Where your objective is to be the allotted timel. There is a scoring system for each one which integrates itself with AGON online. There are also two game difficulties: Normal and Advanced, with advanced obviously being the more difficult, adding more cars onto an already highly congested highway.


The slew of different colors in Hit N' Run make the game feel upbeat and vibrant, and while there is a nice 3d engine, the cars do not have many textures. The motorcycle seen in game, is a bit 2 dimensional, but that's just me being picky.

Sound is not a major element in this game, the one soundtrack does add to the intensity quite nicely. The sound effects for cars and crashes are also quite nice and are dubbed very well.

Ratings (Out of 5 's)

Gameplay: 
Graphics: 
Sound: 
Replay Value: 
Entertainment: 
Overall: 

Final Verdict: For $.99 this game is very well done, it is very addicting and I highly recommend it to any gamer.

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