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Daredevil Dave!

Think Evil Knievel mixed with rag doll physics, touch controls, and of course the iPhone. The result is Daredevil Dave (Lite). By far the best side-scrolling ramp-jumping mayhem-causing game on the AppStore.
Developed by MDigitaMedia Dave's game is very polished, very well done, and a hell-of-a-lot of fun. The game features two game modes, Tour and Injury Mode. Tour mode requires you to land 18 jumps that get increasingly more difficult as you progress further. When you land a jump you receive a payment and a bonus (the bonus depending on how accurately you landed on the landing ramp). If you fail and crash, you are required to pay the hospital bills. If you crash too many times and you run out of money, then the tour is over and you have to start it all over again. But don't worry, a practice mode is offered that allows you to practice the jump (only unlocked jumps can be practiced, and you unlock newer jumps by completing older ones). In Injury Mode you have the same jumps, but your objective is to rack up the largest hospital bill possible. For $.99 this game offers up a large amount of content and fun. There are plenty of jumps, some easy and some challenging, but still fun.

When you are getting ready for your jump you have are provided with the distance of the jump and the angle of your take-off ramp. You are allowed to adjust the angle of your take-off ramp if you so choose. The lowest angle is 18˚ and the highest is 25˚. When you have adjusted the angle of the ramp, you are sent to the first person view of Daredevil Dave. To your right there is a throttle bar (much like the ones found on actual motorbikes) which you use to accelerate and decelerate. Pulling down on the throttle bar makes your bike speed up, and letting go cause the bike to decelerate. The angle of your ramp plays a huge role in landing the jump safely, likewise the speed of your bike also plays a huge role in landing the jump safely. You must keep your bike at the correct speed according to the ramp angle in order to land. Any mess-up will send you careening into the obstacles you're jumping over or the ramp its self.

Graphically the game is mediocre, I would have liked to see better background textures rather than the bleachers and crowd. I would also like to see a choice in bikes rather than the default one. An update including more ramps would be the first priority for the developer. After beating the game 3x over I find my self longing for more.

The sounds in the game are fairly accurate especially for a game at this price, and Dave's witty comments add a sense of humor to the game lightening the mood.

Ratings (Out of 5 's)
Graphics: 
Gameplay: 
Replay Value: 
Sound: 


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